Brutal doom maps of chaos

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It's thick with monsters, debuting some cacodemons in an outdoor toxic waste pit as well as a bunch of baddies in the main chamber with the teleporter pit. That imp ambush is probably the standout encounter.Īnother super-short base map but with some obvious Hellish trappings. Just a lot of corner ducking and careful progression. The monsters are still pretty light but there are a few Hell knights to soak your ammo and the traps tend to put monsters very close to you in direct opposite to 'Dropoff''s exposure - nowhere to literally run instead of nowhere that's safe. That final sequence with the raising bridge feels like it takes forever.Ī tight little techbase with a circular construction and lots of congested, claustrophobic gameplay. He also sets a few sergeants loose on your run back through the level to the entrance room, which is a bit of deadend backtracking.

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It's got a few scares over your typical MAP01 thanks to the wide, open areas ringed by hitscanners - like the first major ambush - and that imps from the darkness bit in the far north. A simple, rectilinear opener, but don't let that fool you.